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±30 and ±15V power supply

Warning!!! This project requires working with mains or high voltages. Do not attempt it if you are unsure or scared of working with electricity. 

The figure shows the power supply for the 2-way active system (now upgraded to a 3-way active system). The transformer was salvaged from an old system and is custom-made for that system, hence the transformer has non-standard secondary voltages. The red section is the ±30V supply and the blue section is the ±15V supply. The diodes in red are 1N5406 and the one in blue is a diode bridge rated for 2A. If desired it can be replaced with diodes rated for 2A or more. Since the ±15V section is only going to be used for op-amps & a pair 10W tweeter amps, a 2A bridge or diodes are sufficient - this is assuming that the class-AB amps won't draw a lot of current for their operating frequency range. The 1N5406 diodes can be replaced with a bridge rated at least for 3A to 5A. The reason for using the 1N5406 diodes instead of a bridge is simply that I had them at hand.